Monday, November 23, 2009

I have all the current grades in. Your exam is due at the end of the hour tomorrow. If you are missing any blogs and update them, write down which ones you want me to check for partial credit.

Do Not forget to properly cite all facts on your final to a full bibliography.

Mrs. Grivins

Thursday, November 12, 2009

check this out

Last 2 postings
Nature trail
5 changes
5 k-12 uses
5 community uses

Nighttime Observations
5 different night sky observations the last 3 weeks.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Make a NASA Page.

Make a NASA page by going to the following link.

Make a blog post that includes a link to your NASA page.
due Tuesday November 10th.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Go to this link at NASA

Go to this link at NASA

Choose 1 topic from each category
(The Basics, Cosmic Objects, Cosmic Questions, The Search for Answers)
for a total of 4
to Read about, Take the Quiz on, and Do the TRY This.

When you are done, post the following on your blog:
For each of the 4 categories:
1. Read about: Describe what you learned.
2. Take the Quiz: Give your score on the 2 quizzes.
3. TRY This: Explain what you did.